School Ethos
The school aims to prepare pupils for life by enabling them to make the best possible use of their inherent and potential capabilities including physical, mental and spiritual skills.
Self-esteem is fostered by the valuing of pupils, by a willingness to listen and understand and by a positive view of learning as a shared journey. All achievements are recognised and applauded not just academic attainments.
A spirit of mutual respect and inclusiveness is promoted and pupils are taught to appreciate and respect all people regardless of differences including nationality, religion or disability. The needs and particular circumstances of the pupil are considered at all times. Religious Education is provided for pupils in accordance with the doctrines and traditions of the Catholic Church.
The quality of the relationships between management, teachers, parents and pupils enhances the educational partnership and a sense of community is fostered between them. The importance of parents/guardians as educators of their children is recognised and valued and close contact is maintained between school and home. The school also encourages links with the wider community.